2nd Go New England Open 2023

The 2nd Go New England Open took place over Labor Day weekend, Saturday Sept 2 through Sunday Sept 3, 2023.

This event was supported by the new AGA "catchment" area initiative, and all 6 New England states are pooling our catchment funds to provide this special 2-day tournament.

The Tournament Director (TD) was Trevor Morris

First place went to Michael Chen on the barest of tie breaks.
The prize money for the first 4 places was split evenly between all open section players with a 4-1 record, for $200 each:
Michael Chen (1p),
Alexander Qi (1p),
Alan Huang (7d),
Lambert Lee (7d)

Left to right: Michael, Alexander, Trevor, Alan, Lambert

The only player in this year's tournament with a 5-0 record was Andrew Perry (20k), earning a special prize of $200.

Left to right: Andrew, Trevor

All our 4-games winners deserve special mention, receiving prizes of $100 each:
Jerry Young (1k),
Jonathan Green (2k),
David Yang (4k),
Amanda Miller (8k)

Left to right: Jonathan, Trevor, Jerry, David, Amanda

Huge thanks to our sponsors!
In-seong's Yunguseng Dojang
Chris Sagner
Shawn's Go Group
Guo Juan's Internet Go School

Special mention to Chris Sagner and Lingyu Liu for stepping in on the rounds when we had an odd number of players. Thanks to them, not one was forced to take a bye.

Big thanks to Terry Benson for bringing his Crazy Go supplies, which made Saturday night a special experience for everyone.

Huge thanks to the streamers and commentators. Raw text from Jae: A big thanks to Cheuk, Jamie Tang, and Gavin for helping record the New England Open 2023 games. Thank you to Kara Ray for providing templates for the stream layout and to Devin Fraze for allowing us to use his Baduk Club Twitch. I would also like to thank Jamie Tang, Katie Oh, Amy Guo, Tyler Oyakawa, Michael Zhou for providing excellent commentary. The stream and commentary would have never happened without Jae Donley managing the stream and gathering the talented individuals who helped support it.

Thanks for Cassidy Cloutier and Ryan Horner for helping set up the night before, and going out to the hardware store for supplies for the demo board!

Thanks to Chris Morse for final packup and lugging equipment to the car.

Thanks to Chia Chan for volunteering to take all of the pictures above at the last minute.

Final Results

Round 5 (FINAL) Results